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ISSN 3057-0883 (Online)
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Who we are


The Asian Research Center for Religion and Social Communication (ARC) is the only research center in Asia that focuses on the intersection between the fields of Religion and Social Communication. It was established in April 1999 after such an initiative was proposed by twenty-three Asian scholars at a roundtable conference on "Church/Religion and Social Communication Research" sponsored by the Federation of Asian Bishops' Conferences - Office of Social Communication (FABC-OSC) at Assumption University in Bangkok, Thailand. 

Saint John's University (SJU) in Bangkok, Thailand eventually became ARC’s home until the present day. While ARC has its inception in context of an FABC event, it later became an independent organization with its own administrative structure and research agenda.  

The ARC aims to: 

  • Facilitate and support research on subjects related to Religion and Social Communication in Asia; 
  • Publish relevant studies and research in the bi-annual Journal titled Religion and Social Communication as well as in special monographs; 
  • Provide platforms for scholars to present their research in ARC organized conferences; 
  • Promote related publications in the field; 
  • Develop a network of interested researchers and institutions; 
  • Foster interreligious dialogue and academic cooperation in the field.