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ISSN 3057-0883 (Online)
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Vol. 16, No. 2 (2018)

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2018-11-30 17:00 UTC+7 1531

Religion and Social Communication

Vol. 16 No. 2, 2018


Digital Expressions, Experiences and Challenges of and for Religions in Asia

Leo-Martin Angelo R. Ocampo   

Religion in Development Communication: An Inexorable Concept

Stanislaus Irudayaselvam

The Role of Inclusive Language in an Inter-religious Dialogue and Communications

Rico C. Jacoba and Jeramie N. Molino   


Living Media Across Platforms. 2nd Edition, Michael Bugeja

Josef-Franz Eilers, SVD

Digital Parenting. The Challenges for Families in the Digital Age, Giovanna Mascheroni, Christina Ponte and Ana Jorge (Eds.)

Josef-Franz Eilers, SVD

Family Communication, Cohesion and Change. 10th Edition, Kathleen Gavin, Dawn O. Barithwaite et al.

Josef-Franz Eilers, SVD

The Magazines Handbook. 4th Edition, Jenny McKay

Josef-Franz Eilers, SVD

The Routledge Companion to Alternative Community Media, Chris Atton (Ed.)

Josef-Franz Eilers, SVD

The Routledge Companion to the Cultural Industries, Paperback Edition, Kate Oakley and Justin O’ Connor

Josef-Franz Eilers, SVD
