The Concept of Pluralistic Society in Qur’anic Perspectives
As a prelude to our study of the subject of pluralism, we should understand the conceptual foundation of pluralism according to the Qur’an. The fundam...
Digi-Mission: You Will Be My Witnesses to the Ends of the Earth (Acts 1:8)
From the beginning of Christianity, evangelisers have always made good use of any resources that could enhance their spreading of the Good News. St. P...
The Future of Religion: Human Life - Education - Spirituality
In true sense, religion is not the communal or sectorial beliefs. It is eternal. Neither reason nor religion, but spirituality will be the future reli...
Thích Nhất Hạnh and Socially Engaged Buddhism
Many years ago, I did a ten-day vipassana meditation retreat at Dhamma Giri Vipassana International Academy in the town of Igatpuri which is 136 km aw...
Deorithms – the “Rhythms” of God
Every age has its own rhythms. These rhythms are influenced, even determined, by the social, scientific, economic, and technological developments that...
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