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ISSN 3057-0883 (Online)
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Call for Chapter Contribution: Religion and AI at the Service of Humanity

ARC Admin
2023-11-13 10:49 UTC+7 1695
As a continuance of the successful ARC 14th International Roundtable on the theme of “Religious Communication and the Digital Future: Prospects, Concerns, and Responses” on 2-3 November 2023 at Thammasat University, Thailand, ARC will publish a monograp

Call for Chapter Contribution


           As a continuation of the successful ARC 14th International Roundtable on the theme of “Religious Communication and the Digital Future: Prospects, Concerns, and Responses” on 2-3 November 2023 at Thammasat University, Thailand, ARC will publish a monograph tentatively titled “Religion and AI at the Service of Humanity.” The book will be published primarily in the electronic form with limited print copies. We are looking for chapter contributions from diverse religious and cultural perspectives of no more than 6,000 words (exclusive of footnotes and bibliography) that address the following:

·        Contribution of religion to AI development in safeguarding and promoting social and environmental flourishing

·        Religion and AI ethics

·        Religious use of AI for integral human development

·        Religious humanism and digital humanism

·        Religious prophetic voice and advocacy regarding technological development

·        Religiously based principles for AI advancement

·        Religion and digital wisdom

·        Religion and AI virtues

Other topics that fit this theme may be proposed and submitted for this volume. Deadline for topic proposal is January 15, 2024, with full chapter submitted by June 15, 2024. Publication is scheduled for the end of 2024. Please address inquiries or submit proposals to

