Le Duc - Towards a Cybertheology: Theology in the Digital Milieu
Le Duc - Religion and the Digital Technology: Future Considerations
Le Duc - Buddhist Environmental Humanism: A Humanistic Spirituality to Promote Ecological Flourishing
Le Duc - A Framework for Buddhist Environmentalism: The Horizontal and Vertical Dimensions
Le Duc - Buddhism and the Ecology in the Digital Age
Le Duc - Buddhist Communication of the True Roots of the Ecological Crisis
Le Duc - Buddhist Soteriological Aims and Their Contribution to Environmental Well-Being
Le Duc - Catholic Church Communication in the Post-Truth Era: Intra-Religious and Inter-Religious Dimensions
Le Duc - Christian Humanism, Anthropocentrism, and the Contemporary Ecological Crisis
Le Duc - Cybertheology: Theologizing in the Digital Age
Le Duc - Cyber/Digital Theology: Rethinking about Our Relationship with God and Neighbor in the Digital Environment
Le Duc - The Doctrine of Dependent Origination as Basis for a Paradigm of Human-Nature Relationship of Responsibility and Accountability
Showing 13 to 24 of 37 results.