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ISSN 3057-0883 (Online)
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NEW BOOK: Church Communication in the New Normal: Perspectives from Asia and Beyond

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2024-02-05 08:39 UTC+7 3892

Church Communication in the New Normal: Perspectives from Asia and Beyond

Edited by Anthony Le Duc, SVD (2022)

COVID-19 has devastated many Asian countries causing untold deaths and destroying their economies and social relations, especially among the poor, who could not have access to vaccines. The virus has also severely disturbed the rhythm of Church life, particularly in worship and daily Christian activities. While the pandemic is still causing long-term havoc in Asia, it has introduced a ‘new normal’ into the continent. Church Communication in the New Normal, a collection of essays written by Asian social scientists, theologians, and pastoral agents, is the first volume that deals with how the Church in Asia can resume its prophetic mission, liturgical worship, and pastoral ministry in times of pandemic and post-pandemic. I enthusiastically recommend this volume, a fruit of profound scholarship and pastoral sensitivity, not only to all who live and work in Asia but also to those living on other continents, both Christians and followers of other religions, who work for human flourishing.

Peter C. Phan, The Ignacio Ellacuria Chair of Catholic Social Thought, Georgetown University, USA


This fascinating volume helpfully combines compelling case studies of the Church responses to the pandemic from throughout Asia with analyses examining the opportunities and challenges offered by the pandemic both to Church communication and to the self-understanding of the Church. It should be essential reading for pastoral ministers, scholars, and communication officers.


Paul A. Soukup, S.J., Santa Clara University, USA


Church Communication in the New Normal does timely and important scholarly work exploring the across-the-board emergence of faith communication as an essential aspect of ministry. Using COVID-19 as an overall case study, each chapter of Church Communication in the New Normal demonstrates the integral role of communication in the way a community of faith gathers, worships and extends care. The book also showcases creative directions for ministry in light of the pandemic experience, all the while rooting the study contextually across a variety of cultural locations both distinct but common, especially from the perspective of faith. This book is an essential addition to global scholarly reflection on pastoral communication. 


Daniella Zsupan-Jerome, Saint John’s University School of Theology and Seminary, USA


Anthony Le Duc, SVD is currently the Director of the Asian Research Center for Religion and Social Communication (St. John’s University, Thailand). He is also teaching at Lux Mundi National Seminary of Thailand. His primary research interests pertain to the intersection between religion and contemporary issues such as ecology, migration, and technological development. 
