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ISSN 3057-0883 (Online)
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A Comparative Study of the Peace Concept of Christ in Colossians 1:15-23 and the Peace Pact Concept of Lumawig in Bontoc Mountain Province, Philippines

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The study proposes that indigenous peace pact concepts can be a source for theological-cultural hermeneutics. It highlights the interaction between the peace pact “Pechen” concept of Lumawig’s and peace concept of Christ, which can be utilized as a redemptive analogy in the peacemaking endeavors in the province.  The connection of these concepts of making peace in the areas of creation, redemption, and reconciliation makes a good substance on God’s salvific presence in the world. A comparative s


ISSN 3057-0883 (ONLINE)


James Lee D. Wanchakan


The study proposes that indigenous peace pact concepts can be a source for theological-cultural hermeneutics. It highlights the interaction between the peace pact “Pechen” concept of Lumawig’s and peace concept of Christ, which can be utilized as a redemptive analogy in the peacemaking endeavors in the province.  The connection of these concepts of making peace in the areas of creation, redemption, and reconciliation makes a good substance on God’s salvific presence in the world. A comparative study is needed to examine the role of mediator, “Pinakarsu,” in the traditional peacemaking processes of the peace pact Pechen concept of Lumawig and the mediatorial peace concept of Christ in Colossians 1:15-23. In this paper, the concept of peace authenticates the desire of God to be glorified in the gracious act of providing a pact holder or a mediator in order to restore broken divine-human relationship. Hence, the Bontoc Pechen concept can be interpreted through the lens of the Gospel message of Christ. This study also aims to promote traditional justice systems in support of Sustainable Development goal 16 which is on peace, justice, and strong institutions.


peace concepts, conflict resolution, indigenous peace pacts, tribal conflict, indigenous peace making


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Pages 36-53


Submitted: May 17, 2024; Accepted: October 1, 2024; Published: January 10, 2025

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