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AI in the Academe: Opportunities and Challenges for Religious Education

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2024-06-11 07:47 UTC+7 556


ISSN 1686-9184


Leo-Martin Angelo R. Ocampo and Ivan Efreaim A. Gozum


The coming of artificial intelligence (AI), dramatically signaled by the release of ChatGPT 3.5 in November 2022, sparked varied reactions and questions in various sectors and industries, including the field of education. Prior to this, AI technology has been gaining ground with its various applications, yet it still managed to take many by surprise. After the initial panic and apprehension about the use of these increasingly powerful technologies, discussions have begun as to how to effectively manage the threats and maximize the affordances brought by these rapidly emerging developments. The growing discourse and literature on this subject confirm the relevance and urgency of this issue today. Gathering the concerns and insights from these ongoing conversations, this paper aims to explore the challenges and opportunities brought by AI to education in general and to religious education in particular, with the aim of naming potential risks and identifying possible areas that can be harnessed by religious educators today.


artificial intelligence, AI in education, religious education, online learning, educational technology


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Pages 372-394 


Submitted: October 5, 2023; Accepted: Feb. 11, 2024; Published: June 30, 2024
