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ISSN 3057-0883 (Online)
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Ecofeminist Perspectives and Familial Dynamics: Exploring Women’s Roles in Environmental Sustainability and the Filipino Concept of “Ate”

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2024-02-04 21:30 UTC+7 1165


ISSN 1686-9184


Jeramie N. Molino


This essay explores women’s role in environmental sustainability drawing from the Filipino concept of “Ate.” Through a contrapuntal analysis, it unveils the convergence and divergence between women’s roles in formal environmental advocacy and as caregivers within the family, emphasizing the interconnectedness of these roles. Examining birth order in Filipino culture reveals the early-age responsibilities, particularly for first-born females, highlighting their leadership, teaching, and caregiving roles. The study underscores women’s significant role as environmental stewards, both locally and globally, aligning with the biblical concept of overseeing and caring for the Earth. 

The exploration of women as promoters of welfare, within Filipino culture and through environmental protection efforts, demonstrates diverse contributions to community and planetary well-being. The study intertwines biblical perspectives with cultural insights, emphasizing shared responsibility for Earth stewardship. In conclusion, it calls for a comprehensive understanding of women’s contributions in environ-mental and familial spheres, recognizing their pivotal and interconnected roles. As the world faces urgent environmental challenges, leveraging the diverse perspectives and actions of women emerges as crucial for sustainable and equitable solutions. The study contributes valuable insights to discussions on gender roles, environmentalism, and cultural contexts, advo-cating for the recognition and promotion of women’s roles in shaping a sustainable future. 


ecofeminism, environmental sustainability, gender roles, caregiving, “ate” concept, formal advocacy


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PAGES 113-138


Submitted: 12.10.2023; Accepted: 1.5.2024; Published: 1.31.2024
