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ISSN 3057-0883 (Online)
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Exploring Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) in Kalinga Province: Practices, Preservation, and Perspectives

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This study delves into the traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) of the Indigenous People of Kalinga, Philippines, while also examining similar practices and challenges faced by other indigenous communities worldwide. The study highlights the universal themes and unique adaptations of TEK across cultures, providing a broader perspective on the significance of traditional knowledge in addressing contemporary environmental issues.


ISSN 3057-0883 (ONLINE)


George Canilao Tumbali


This study delves into the traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) of the Indigenous People of Kalinga, Philippines, while also examining similar practices and challenges faced by other indigenous communities worldwide. The study highlights the universal themes and unique adaptations of TEK across cultures, providing a broader perspective on the significance of traditional knowledge in addressing contemporary environmental issues. It aims to identify and document the traditional practices, rituals, and beliefs that demonstrate the community’s deep connection with nature and their efforts in sustainable resource management; it explores the challenges faced in preserving TEK, such as the impact of formal education, globalization, and modernization, and provide recommendations for safeguarding and promoting TEK among the Kalinga people for future generations. It uses a pure qualitative research method with interviews as the primary tool; the elders of the different Kalinga sub-tribes are the study participants. Ethical considerations were followed; the researcher sought the elders’ approval before being interviewed. The results of this study were also returned to them so they could concur with the translation of their answers.

The findings highlight the community’s profound reverence for nature, reflected in their cultural traditions and environmental stewardship practices. By advocating sustainable actions like refraining from burning and employing natural farming techniques, Kalinga communities contribute to climate resilience and biodiversity protection. Ultimately, this study seeks to contribute to the ongoing dialogue about the role of TEK in sustainable development and environmental stewardship, advocating for the integration of traditional knowledge with modern scientific approaches. Additionally, the study underscores the impact of formal education and globalization on Kalinga traditions, emphasizing the need to balance modernity with heritage preservation.Recommendations include involving youth in traditional activities, integrating old and new farming methods, documenting TEK, and incorporating it into the education curriculum to ensure longevity and relevance. This holistic approach aims to cultivate a sense of collective responsibility, sustainability, and environmental consciousness across Kalinga communities.


Traditional ecological knowledge (TEK), Kalinga Province, sustainable development goals, cultural preservation, environmental stewardship, Indigenous practices


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Pages 9-35


Submitted: August 17, 2024; Accepted: October 16, 2024; Published: January 10, 2025

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