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Interreligious Views on the Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Indigenous Knowledge for Environmental Preservation

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ISSN 1686-9184


Jeramie N. Molino


This paper employs a qualitative narrative analysis to explore interreligious perspectives on integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Indigenous Knowledge (IK) to address environmental challenges. It delves into the viewpoints of three major world religions – Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism – highlighting their distinct yet complementary stances. Christianity, grounded in the principle of stewardship, emphasizes humanity’s divine-given duty to care for the Earth. Within this framework, AI is seen as a promising tool to enhance environmental knowledge, sustainable practices, and conservation. Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’ lays down principles, stressing the interconnectedness of creation, that can guide AI integration. In Islam, the concept of “Khalifa” signifies human stewardship of the Earth. Though opinions on AI vary, there are those who view it as a means to improve environmental knowledge and resource management. Islamic teachings encourage seeking wisdom from diverse sources, including indigenous knowledge. While recognizing AI’s potential for ecological understanding, Buddhism raises concerns about excessive reliance on AI-generated information. Emphasizing interconnectedness, compassion, and mindfulness, it encourages a balanced approach where AI complements personal connections and mindfulness in experiencing nature. In summary, these religions appear to recognize AI’s potential while emphasizing ethical, cultural, and spiritual aspects. This interplay fosters holistic and sustainable environmental preservation, where technology and Indigenous Knowledge coexist. It invites further collaboration to ensure that technological advancements align with ethical and environmental values, promoting a just, equitable, and harmonious coexistence with our planet.


interreligious perspectives, artificial intelligence (AI), indigenous knowledge (IK), environmental challenges


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Submitted: July 15, 2023, 2023; Accepted: November 7, 2023; Published: December 31, 2023.
