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ISSN 3057-0883 (Online)
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Naindayawan-A-Rambak-Ti-Gimong: An Inculturation of the Eucharist in Ilocano

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ISSN 1686-9184


Joefrey M. Almazan 


This study aims to elevate the discourse on the imperative of Liturgical Inculturation and propose general suggestions on how to shape a more relevant and meaningful Ilocano celebration of the Eucharist. It emphasizes Vatican II’s liturgical reform while maintaining fidelity to the nature of the culture – the Ilocano culture. The study was conducted with the parishioners of Our Lady of Fatima (OLF) in Villaverde, Nueva Vizcaya, shedding light on the inquiry: “Is the liturgical rite prescribed by the Catholic Church still meaningful and relevant among Ilocanos at present, particularly the parishioners of OLF?”

The results of the study revealed that the Eucharist holds an ambivalent significance for many Ilocanos, particularly the parishioners of OLF. Undoubtedly, Ilocanos regard the Eucharist as the center – the source and summit – of their Christian life. However, the Ilocano Catholics of OLF lack a proper understanding of how the Eucharist operates or functions in their lives. Furthermore, many Ilocanos display ignorance or a lack of proper understanding about the Eucharist. Additionally, many Ilocano Catholics tend to separate the Eucharist from their daily lives. Given these alarming situations, liturgical inculturation becomes relevant at this juncture. The full, conscious, active, and fruitful participation of Ilocanos in the Eucharist can be achieved through a mutual integration of the rite prescribed by the Church and their native culture. This approach respects the process of integration, allowing both the Eucharist and Ilocano culture to evolve through mutual insertion and absorption while preserving their identities. Thus, the Eucharist, ritually expressed in a Roman form, is assimilated and reformulated in a language and form that Ilocanos can understand and actively participate in. It is here that genuine integration takes place. 


inculturation, contextualization, dynamic equivalence, worship, liturgy, Ilocanos, Catholic liturgy


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PAGES 7-33


Submitted: 10.10.2023; Accepted: 11.5.2023; Published: 1.31.2024
