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Religious Prophetic Voices to Affect the Course of Technological Development

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2024-02-05 11:00 UTC+7 804


ISSN 1686-9184


Clement Baffoe


In an era where advanced technologies permeate daily life, innovations like Augmented Reality (AR), Mixed Reality (MR), Automated Weapon Systems (AWS), and Chatbots such as ChatGPT are omnipresent, influencing diverse sectors from homes and schools to hospitals and military intelligence. While these technologies offer substantial benefits, simplifying various aspects of life, they also present a myriad of challenges that, if left unaddressed, could impede the creative purposes of God. This article explores the multifaceted issues arising from advanced technologies, including unemployment, discrimination, judicial injustices, military escalations, and disinformation, all of which jeopardize global peace. Ethical concerns and regulatory frameworks for these technologies remain inadequately addressed on a universal scale, particularly from a religious standpoint.

The proposed solution is prophetic dialogue, advocating for proactive engagement between science and faith to confront the ethical and regulatory dilemmas associated with advanced technologies. While prophetic dialogue is not a novel theological concept, its specific application to the collaboration between technology developers and people of faith is an evolving concept. This dialogue, involving scientists, religious communities, and people of goodwill from various traditions, seeks to harness the diverse knowledge and ethics embedded in different religions to mitigate the adverse effects of advanced technologies. The article envisions that through prophetic dialogue, which incorporates the perspectives of diverse religious traditions, leaders and inventors can be influenced to address the challenges posed by advanced technologies. This collaborative effort aims to preserve global peace, stability, and justice by appealing to the collective conscience of world leaders and innovators, fostering a harmonious coexistence between technological progress and ethical considerations.


digital technology, prophetic dialogue, technological development, digital future


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PAGES 401-430


Submitted: May 29, 2023, 2023; Accepted: December 15, 2023; Published: December 31, 2023.
