Spirituality of Communication as Foundation for a Missional Approach to Digital Culture
ISSN 1686-9184
Daniella Zsupan-Jerome
The article seeks to make the case for a Christian spirituality of communication, one that especially addresses the communicative and interpersonal dynamics in digital culture and strives to elevate these toward a disposition of authentic relationality. From this foundation in a Christian spirituality of communication, the article proposes several key theological characteristics as fundamental for a missional approach to digital culture, including revelation, incarnation, communion, truth in context, and announcing hope. The article concludes by proposing a framework for a lived, missional spirituality expressing each of these in the digital context. Living out of this framework offers digital culture greater potential toward human flourishing as a whole.
Christian spirituality, digital culture, theology of communication, relationality, mission and evangelization
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Pages 254-277
DOI: https://doi.org/10.62461/DZJ041824
Submitted: February 15, 2024; Accepted: April 18, 2024; Published: June 30, 2024