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ISSN 3057-0883 (Online)
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Taflurut Nit: Towards an Inculturated Theology of the Communion of Saints for Kei People in Eastern Indonesia

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2024-02-04 22:47 UTC+7 572


ISSN 1686-9184


Longginus Farneubun and Rico Casta Jacoba


Ancestor veneration is considered by some to be a primitive custom, outdated, and with no relevance to modern society. In this study, however, the researcher will show that ancestor veneration is alive and practiced in various cultures, especially among Kei people in East Indonesia to this day. This research focuses on ancestor veneration (Taflurut Nit) of the Kei people vis-a-vis the Catholic teachings on the Communion of Saints. Both the Kei ancestors and the Christian saints are revered because they are believed to be role models and wisdom figures for the members of their respective communities. Kei religious and cultural practices that focus on remembering, honoring, and expressing love for their ancestors and the saints have an important role in the lives of Kei Christians. The dissertation uses the process of inculturation to explore the potential of using the practices and beliefs of ancestor veneration among Kei people in re-articulating an aspect of the Christian faith. With the mutual interaction between the Judeo-Christian Tradition on the Communion of Saints and the present experience of ancestor veneration (Taflurut Nit) among Kei people, an inculturated theology for Kei Christians in East Indonesia is being proposed in response to the new evangelization envisioned by the Church.


ancestor veneration, kei people, communion of saints, inculturation, culture


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PAGES 139-168


Submitted: 10.18.2023; Accepted: 11.5.2023; Published: 1.31.2024
