The Role of the Catholic Church in the Philippines on Youth Development: A Revisit of Badiou’s Existential Philosophy
ISSN 3057-0883 (ONLINE)
Jedu Arcaina
This article discusses the role of the Philippine Catholic Church in promoting development among Filipino youth. Despite the benefits of globalization, its negative consequences were more pronounced. However, engaging and responding effectively to challenges caused by the impacts of globalization can lead to a meaningful existence. This indicates that young Filipinos constantly strive for what is most beneficial for themselves, as long as they are instilled with values that genuinely encourage them in such a pursuit. Such can be understood by investigating the relationship between Catholic social teaching on spirituality and social justice awareness with Alain Badiou’s existential philosophy found within his notion of maximal existence. Badiou’s notion of maximal existence is characterized as the being that maximally exists due to its meaningful participation in the situation it is in. The author explores the Church’s mission of spirituality and social justice awareness and its effective influence for a meaningful existence among the Filipino youth. The Catholic Church is perceived as embodying Badiou’s concept of maximal existence through its role on spirituality and social justice, which stands as a framework for young Filipinos’ recognition for their worth and ability to make a positive impact on both their lives and the Philippine society. The article seeks to increase consciousness regarding the Church’s spirituality and social justice in relation to the development of Filipino youth, promoting transformative development focused on truth, service, and active citizenship in them.
Filipino youth, logic of existence, maximal existence, spirituality, social justice
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Submitted: May 17, 2024; Accepted: October 18, 2024; Published: January 10, 2025