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ISSN 3057-0883 (Online)
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The Significance of Food in the Parable of the Wedding Feast in Matthew 22:1-14 and the Kanyaw

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ISSN 1686-9184


Fred F. Antonio, Jr.


This study delves into the significance of food in Matthew 22:1-14, specifically exploring parallels between the Parable of the Wedding Feast and the Kanyaw festival of the Igorot people. Employing a qualitative-descriptive approach, the researcher adopts a hermeneutical spiral methodology involving the sequential steps of “See, Discern, and Act.” The research emphasizes five key themes that draw parallels between the biblical parable and the indigenous festivity. Firstly, the study highlights the importance of the invitation in both contexts. Whether it is the divine call in the parable or the cultural invitation of the Kanyaw, there is a common thread in the significance of extending and receiving invitations. Second, the celebration emerges as a significant theme, suggesting shared elements between the joyous gatherings depicted in the biblical narrative and the cultural festivities of the Igorot people.

The third theme revolves around the crucial role and preparation of food. This underscores the centrality of food in both the biblical narrative and the Kanyaw festival, shedding light on the cultural and spiritual dimensions associated with preparing and sharing meals. The fourth theme explores the responses of those invited, drawing parallels between the biblical account and participants' reactions in the Igorot celebration. Lastly, the study delves into the social implications of the feast in both contexts. By examining how the feast influences social dynamics and relationships, the research aims to offer an inculturated understanding of the feast in the parable's context. In essence, the study provides a nuanced exploration of the parallels between the biblical narrative and the indigenous festivity, contributing to a more comprehensive understanding of the cultural and spiritual dimensions of food and celebration in these contexts.


Parable, Kanyaw, festivity, Igorot, food, kosher, non-kosher, wedding feast, Jesus, Jewish, thanksgiving, ritual, garment, exegesis, mambunong, mankotom, fiesta.


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PAGES 34-57


Submitted: 11.15.2023; Accepted: 12.5.2023; Published: 1.31.2024
